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Assistant Principal - Dawn Buchanan Brady



Phone:  910-353-0930


Facebook:  Morton Elementary School @ocmesmustangs –

Twitter:  @MustangMarvels

Education:  East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina

                                    Masters in School Administration:  May 2018

                  Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan

                                    Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education: May 2005

                                    Majors:  History and Social Studies


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  I am so excited to continue serving the Morton Elementary community and working with all of our families.  This will be my 7th year as the assistant principal at Morton, and my 20th year in education (18 in Onslow County).  I am originally from Michigan and am a huge Michigan fan (GO BLUE!).  I enjoy spending time with my family (including the four-legged ones), college football, DIY projects around the house, photography, reading, and traveling.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can help you with.

I look forward to working with you to make this a successful school year.  Make sure you check us out on social media to see all the AMAZING things happening at Morton!

Intelligent, resilient, strong.  WE ARE MUSTANGS!